Friday, June 27, 2014

Eyelashes For Days

If you look at pictures of Kaden, you will see a mini version of my husband. I am fully aware of this, yet I hear it every single place I go. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it because my husband is handsome. 

When we were moving, one of the movers really did ask who his mother was. I had no words. Once you get past his baby blues, Kaden has some really nice eye lashes-I'd like to say courtesy of my genetics. SO If you follow me on Instagram (@mrs_watkins723) you'd see quite a few pictures of my gorgeous baby. I've been 'watching' them since he was born growing from tiny lashes when he was a wee little one (I'm talking 4 lbs here) and seeing how they have changed from little blonde lashes to long dark beautiful lashes. Mixed with his baby blues? I'm going to have to be fighting some girls off probably on the first day of kindergarten. I can't wait to see how he grows up, but I sure hope he keeps these lashes that are just like mama's.  Man, I love this little guy.