Monday, November 17, 2014

World Prematurity Awareness Day

My goodness, you guys- I haven't posted in almost a MONTH. I have been busy making and sending our crochet headbands to help raise awareness for cervical cancer. We are about half way to our goal, so thank you so much for all of your support-please keep the orders coming! 

I want to share another awareness with you all- today is World Prematurity Awareness Day. This day floods my mind and heart with memories and emotions. Each year, nearly 500,000 babies are premature, or preemies. That's 1 of every 8 infants born in the United States. These little miracles come for all sorts of reasons, medical or not. You can read about Kaden's story HERE.

I still remember basically living in the NICU for 6 weeks, doing everything in my power to help him get stronger every day, and waiting 4 days to hold him for only 15 minutes-because he was so fragile. 

I remember bringing him home and waking up every hour to make sure he really is breathing, because that is what kept us from coming home-he would forget to breathe, which would drastically drop his heart rate. I remember having to take him weekly for weight checks because he was born weighing in at 3 lbs 2 oz. and I would worry and stress about if I can produce enough milk since I exclusively pumped for him-because he wasn't strong enough to nurse naturally.  I remember driving over an hour one way bi-weekly to get his eyes checked because he had ROP  (Retinopathy of Prematurity), to a cardiologist to check his heart murmur, and weeks of physical therapy.  But I also remember emailing my husband videos and pictures daily of this little guy and telling him all of the amazing things he has been doing and how he has been growing. 

OH and his first birthday, when he first sat up, smiled at me, laughed, trying new foods, his first word (for the record- it was 'mama'), when he started walking and the smile that will melt the coldest of hearts. We have so many memories that both terrified us and made us laugh so hard we had tears running down our faces-all because he is a healthy, happy growing baby (or should I choke out the word 'toddler'?) 

Once upon a time, doctors told us that he may not be developmentally on track with kids 'his age' because of being born so early. But I beg to differ. We've been meeting with doctors and specialists and they sometimes have a hard time believing he is a preemie. This little guy is growing and thriving SO much every day, it blows my mind. He's been hitting milestones left and right and 'passed' his NICU follow ups with flying colors. 

SO today, I am wearing purple to represent World Prematurity Awareness Day for all of these little miracles everywhere.