HI friends!
So it has been a little over 4 weeks since we welcomed Amelia into our family, tomorrow she will be officially one whole month already. How has it been a month?! I shared Kaden's whirlwind of a birth with you all (you can check it out here
here)- so I'd like to share Amelia's as well. Leave it to my kids to not do anything simple! The whole story from beginning to end is pretty long, so I'm going to break it up for you all.

So we found out we were pregnant on November 17-immediately I started to get nervous and slightly terrified at the thought of potentially having another pre-term baby. Let me tell you, NICU life is not fun. When I first met my OB, we found out her official due date would be July 25 and I would start weekly progesterone shots in a few weeks. Normally I don't necessarily care about needles- they don't bother me but I don't necessarily love them-who does anyways? Luckily there was no morning sickness with this little girl but I had some serious food aversions. Meat? No thanks. Cooking certain things....nope. I didn't really have much of an appetite either. Overall it wasn't too bad. Enter week 16, where we went to have a gender ultrasound. I convinced myself that we would have another boy. For the record, I would have been totally okay with two boys- but a part of me had my fingers crossed for a girl. When the tech told us the news, I cried. Not going to lie. We went to our OB appointment a few days later and my wonderful husband came with me to learn how to properly give me my weekly shots. Let me tell you, those bad boys and I are not friends. To all the moms out there who have had to do multiple rounds of them? Amazing. Especially the moms who went through IVF? Heroes. But I would do what I had to do in order to make sure this little girl cooked as long as I could. Weeks went on and I itched for days, I had hives, my butt hurt so bad I couldn't sit down without it hurting for days and I bruised like a damn banana. But as weeks went on and I went in every 1-2 weeks for a check up and heard her little heartbeat, it was worth it every week.
I stopped my shots at 35 weeks and anyone else I knew who had the same shots told me that they went into labor maybe 1-2 weeks after they stopped so I was expecting the same. Our OB even told me to not be surprised if she came soon after and assured me that she would be just fine because we made it so far. I had double back up plans for Kaden, bags were packed for all of us. And we waited.
Friends, nesting is REAL. I didn't do so much with Kaden, but hot damn I was a mad woman with this little girl. I even started a bow company with a good friend (check us out on
Facebook!) Mollye and I went to our first craft show. I re-purposed her dresser, I sewed blankets, I purged all of our house...multiple times. I cleaned, I cooked, I meal prepped all up until the day before she was born. I did probably a hundred loads of laundry for all of us. I had all of our appointments done/scheduled so I wouldn't have to rush around last minute. I remember I sat down on Sunday night after one last vacuum of the whole house and finally had a sigh of relief, and thought to myself- "alright, she can come now. I'm ready" and whaddya know she was here the next day...